Laboratory of Wave Mechanics Beijing Institute of Technology Tue, 30 Apr 2019 17:07:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1副本-32x32.png Laboratory of Wave Mechanics 32 32 Dr. ChenJian from Nanyang Technological University was invited to give a lecture on “full wave control of acoustic metasurface on deep-subwavelength scale” Mon, 08 Apr 2019 08:29:20 +0000 Continue Reading "Dr. ChenJian from Nanyang Technological University was invited to give a lecture on “full wave control of acoustic metasurface on deep-subwavelength scale”"


Focusing acoustic waves to enhance the acoustic field is of fundamental
interest in wave physics and highly desirable for many applications, such as super-resolution imaging, enhanced sensing, and energy harvesting, to
name a few. Phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials are largely
explored for this purpose. However, they were generally optimized under
the effective medium theory and were not able to control the acoustic waves directly. On the other hand, these structures relatively complex and large. To this end, it is highly desired to develop acoustic metasurface that are simple and compact and can fully manipulate the acoustic waves. In this talk, I will present some recent progress on this objective, including the
metasurface design and implementation. Subsequently, ongoing studies and future plans will be discussed. Finally, I will briefly introduce a work on laser induced full matrix imaging in non-destructive evaluation.

About the Speaker

Dr. Chen Jian received B.S. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2007,
and PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2012. He then joined Prof. Sailing He’s lab at Zhejiang University, focusing
on laser ultrasonic technique and instrumentation. Currently, Dr. Chen is
working in Prof. Zheng Fan’s lab at Nanyang Technological University. His
research interests include acoustic metamaterials, ultrasonic full-matrix
imaging and laser ultrasound.

Dr.Chen Yi gave a lecture on “Topological effects in periodic mechanical systems” Wed, 02 Jan 2019 18:42:24 +0000 Dr. Liu Tuo from Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University was invited to give a lecture on “Passive acoustic parity time-symmetric superstructure material crystal” Thu, 27 Dec 2018 18:39:21 +0000 Prof. Yun Jing of North Carolina State University was invited to give a talk on Acoustic Metasurface Mon, 12 Nov 2018 18:37:27 +0000 Rajesh Chaunsali from University of Washington was invited to give a talk on “Manipulating Elastic Waves in Topological Mechanical Metamaterials” Fri, 12 Oct 2018 18:35:18 +0000 Associate Professor Yang Nan from Tianjin University of Technology gives a lecture on “Modular design of mechanical metamaterials” Sun, 09 Sep 2018 18:32:09 +0000 Continue Reading "Associate Professor Yang Nan from Tianjin University of Technology gives a lecture on “Modular design of mechanical metamaterials”"

Associate Professor Yang Nan from Tianjin University of Technology was invited to visit to the Lab and gave a talk on “Modular design of mechanical metamaterials”.

Dr. Dong Haowen gives a lecture on “Topological optimization of elastic wave metamaterials” Tue, 31 Jul 2018 18:29:36 +0000 Continue Reading "Dr. Dong Haowen gives a lecture on “Topological optimization of elastic wave metamaterials”"

Dr. Dong Haowen of Beijing University of Science and Technology was invited to give a lecture on “Topological optimization of elastic wave metamaterials”

Professor LiKun from University of Mississippi gives a lecture on “Acoustic radiation enhancement based on artificial structure” Wed, 18 Jul 2018 14:37:56 +0000 Continue Reading "Professor LiKun from University of Mississippi gives a lecture on “Acoustic radiation enhancement based on artificial structure”"

LiKun from of National Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi was invited to visit to the Lab and gives a lecture on “Acoustic radiation enhancement based on artificial structure”

BIT Successfully Holds “IUTAM Symposium on Acoustic /Elastic Wave Metamaterial” Mon, 11 Jun 2018 18:59:02 +0000 Continue Reading "BIT Successfully Holds “IUTAM Symposium on Acoustic /Elastic Wave Metamaterial”"

Recently, Symposium named by International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(IUTAM) on acoustic/elastic metamaterial, their design and applications has been successfully held in the International Education Communication Center in the Zhongguancun campus.

  Recently, Symposium named by International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(IUTAM) on acoustic/elastic metamaterial, their design and applications has been successfully held in the International Education Communication Center in the Zhongguancun campus.

  The symposium was held together by School of Aerospace Engineering and Wave Mechanics laboratory. Professor Hu Gengkai from the school and Professor Andrew Norris from Rutgers University in the US acted as chairman together. The conference received strong support from The National Natural Science Foundation of China,Innovation Research Groups and 111 Project. 30 experts and scholars (2/3 overseas scholars) from China, U.S, U.K, France and other 9 countries were invited to deliver academic lectures. The conference was also widely concerned by domestic peers, over 120 professors and doctors from 30 universities, colleges and institutions attended this meeting.

  Acoustic and elastic metamaterial is a kind of artificial composite material. Being uniquely microstructure designed, it brings in abnormal physical characteristics. The metamaterial shows great application potential in the field of wave control, low frequency vibration and noise reduction, seismic wave protection, acoustic/elastic wave stealth. The symposium gathered the most active scholars in the field of acoustic/elastic metamaterial. They discussed the latest news and the future development directions of the field together. Own unique opinions of scholars and experts were expressed in the open discussion at the end of the meeting, presented the listeners with a rare academic feast.

  【Background Introduction】

  IUTAM is the top international organization of mechanical research. In addition to organizing a mechanical conference with more than thousand people attending every four years, it also screens out several high level symposiums in smaller scale from the world-wide frontier and hotspot mechanical research fields and lists them into the IUTAM symposium sequence (verified every two years). The competition for application for the international symposium is highly intense. On one hand, the applicants are required to be recommended by world-class scholars related to the theme of the conference. On the other hand, it requires the applicants to make influential academic achievements in their subject areas. BIT wave mechanics lab submitted a formal establishment application in April 2016. By virtue of reputation accumulated of years in the international academic field, after correspondence evaluation and multi-stage voting, it finally acquired the right to host the symposium.

17 famous scholars were invited to the lab and attended a two-day meeting on ‘Wave Mechanics in Heterogeneous materials’. Sat, 20 Jun 2015 19:20:03 +0000 Continue Reading "17 famous scholars were invited to the lab and attended a two-day meeting on ‘Wave Mechanics in Heterogeneous materials’."

On June 20th, 2015, 17 famous scholars including Pro. Norris from Rutgers University, Pro. Qichang He from University Paris-Est and Pro. Tianjian Lu from Xi’an Jiaotong University were invited to the lab and attended a two-day meeting on ‘Wave Mechanics in Heterogeneous materials’.
